Funny Eash Me Dirty Woman Photo

laundry memes

If you hate washing and drying clothes, these funny laundry memes are for you!

The pain of sorting, washing, cleaning, folding clothes is necessary. If we don't laugh – we will cry so let's LOL at these hilarious memes about Laundry.

Funny Laundry Memes

Last year, I was in the middle of folding clothes and decided screw this – I'd rather put together a list of funny laundry memes. So that is exactly what I did.

laundry memes
funny laundry memes

Are you one of those who knows how to juggle laundry? I continually joke about Mount Washmore – which is the growing pile of clothes that just won't stop escalating in height.

laundry everywhere laundry meme
laundry memes

Based on the amount of laundry I do a week, I am pretty sure there are people who live here that I haven't met yet.

based on the amount of laundry I do a week, I am pretty sure there are people who live here that I haven't met yet.
laundry meme

Here are 40+ of the best laundry memes for 2022 If you hate laundry, you will LOVE these funny laundry memes and puns.

Every time I think about becoming a nudist… but hey, no laundry needed – except sheets. Nudist use sheets, right?

laundry nudist meme - every time i consider being a nudist but then i realize what i look like naked and the urge passes
laundry nudist meme

Here's another funny laundry meme, this time about Target and buying new clothes. I can totally relate to this. Confession, when the kids were little and I went into office daily, being a working mom left me with zero time to do laundry. SO, I may have done a Target run on several occasions so the kids would have clean clothes to wear to school.

laundry time meme it is time to do laundry which means i need to go to target to buy some new clothes
laundry time meme

DID YOU KNOW: The infinity symbol also serves as the international symbol for laundry. This never ending laundry symbol meme is exactly what it feels on week 2 of not doing wash.

laundry meme funny - The international symbol for laundry
laundry symbol meme

If only there was an Alexa skill for folding clothes and doing laundry. Amazon – make this happen and every home will have an Alexa device!

alexa laundry meme - alexa do the laundry
alexa laundry meme

Okay, who else sang the Neverending Story theme song when seeing this never ending laundry meme?

neverending laundry meme
neverending laundry meme

If you have never seen the Neverending Story – watch it!

Funny Laundry Puns

Gotta love a funny laundry pun to go with these funny laundry memes. Enjoy this clean humor.

laundry pun meme - the local laundromat had been robbed. Police say robber made a clean getaway
laundry pun meme

The laundry is looking at me dirty again.

laundry pun - the laundry is looking at me dirty again
laundry pun

We told you we loved stupid funny laundry puns, right? Couldn't not include the iron.

oh the irony laundry pun meme
irony laundry pun meme

NO MORE TOWELS, PLEASE! How about another laundry pun? It's pretty punny, admit it. I was going to throw in the towel, but then remembered how much laundry I already have.

throw in the towel laundry pun - I was going to throw in the towel, but then remembered how much laundry I already have.
throw in the towel laundry pun

Dirty Laundry Jokes

We keep it clean around here, but couldn't pass up this funny laundry pun / dirty laundry joke! Print out this meme and place it on top of the overflowing laundry basket. Maybe your husband will get the hint.

dirty laundry joke - im feeling a little dirty, will you do me.
dirty laundry joke

Drinking Wine Doing Laundry

The BEST wine for laundry is moscato for me! And if the laundry pile is too big, chase it with a shot of vodka.

funny wine meme - what type of wine goes best with laundry

Now vodka and laundry, that sounds fun – and funny.

Mom Doing Laundry

This mom laundry meme is just the sweetest. Also, this would be the best wedding gift for your kids! I have 4 kids, so not sure if I should just create a massive jar and separate into 4 buckets or what – but LOVE THIS laundry gift idea!

mom laundry meme This lamp has everything my mom found in my pockets when doing my laundry when I was little. She gave it to my at my wedding. I will treasure it forever.
mom laundry meme

This lamp has everything my mom found in my pockets when doing my laundry when I was little. She gave it to my at my wedding. I will treasure it forever.

Yep, all the time. You place laundry on the bed. Then you need to nap or go to sleep so you push the pile of clothing to the other side of the bed. It never fails that the clothes fall off the bed or the dog lays on the clean pile of clothing which means it is time to repeat the laundry cycle.

laundry nap meme - nice try, laundry i'm still going to nap
meme about laundry

Hey moms, don't miss our funny mom memes so we can laugh at all of the things we want to cry about.

Folding Laundry Memes

I just don't understand people who can wash, dry, fold AND put away laundry in the same day.

folding laundry meme if you can wash, dry, fold and put away your laundry in one day - i am not sure if we can be friends
folding laundry meme

I just don't understand how people can folder laundry right after they get it out of the dryer.  I am NOT gifted at doing laundry!

laundry folding meme

True story. No motivation to do laundry, ever – especially after washing and folding for endless amounts of hours.

laundry motivation graphic of bear spends 3 hours doing laundry no longer has the motivation to put laundry away
folding laundry meme

We have named our laundry pile Mount Washmore. It grows daily. Yes, that's our laundry method – but I do enjoy this method. If it is clean, its on the floor and if it is dirty laundry it is on the floor over there.

dirty laundry meme - my laundry method is simple. If it is clean, its on the floor and if it is dirty laundry it is on the floor over there.
dirty laundry meme

Doing Laundry

I always put off doing laundry. No shame in my game.

put off doing laundry meme with dos equis

This funny laundry meme made me chuckle because its so true! Finding a five dollar bill in a pants' pocket while doing laundry is what I imagine winning the lottery feels like.

laundry lottery graphic finding a five dollar bill in a pants' pocket while doing laundry is what i imagine winning the laundry feels like.
finding money meme

There's no need to do the laundry, she said…

funny laundry meme - no need to do laundry she said. That shirt, no one will see you.
funny laundry meme

Funny Laundry Quotes

Here is some more humor about doing the wash. Enjoy these funny laundry quotes.

Like dust bunnies, laundry totally breeds in this house. I am pretty sure my laundry breeds while I sleep.

funny laundry quote - i am pretty sure my laundry breeds while I sleep
funny laundry quote about breeding laundry

A fun weekend DOES NOT include laundry, ever. If there is laundry, my weekend is a waste. (Don't miss our weekend memes!)

funny laundry quote A fun weekend does not involve laundry
funny laundry quote

This laundry quote feels personal after having to re-wash a load of clothes in the washing machine for the second time this morning. Make sure you read our post on how to remove mildew smell from laundry! We are TOTALLY AWESOME at making laundry smell like mildew in our house!

laundry quote how to win at adulting. Get the laundry into the dryer before it smells like mildew.
laundry quote

How to win at adulting. Get the laundry into the dryer before it smells like mildew.

Burning Clothes

Who else has thought about throwing the laundry in the fireplace? ME!!!!

burn laundry graphic - i finished you laundry the ashes are in the fireplace
burning clothes meme

Laundry Everywhere

That's right Buzz Lightyear…. LAUNDRY… LAUNDRY EVERYWHERE…

laundry everywhere

Laundry Day Memes

I am convinced that the only people who are organized enough to have a laundry day are single, have a ton of help or are retired. This laundry day meme makes me yearn for the day that I can just worry about doing laundry and playing Bingo.

laundry day meme wash is done, time to head to bingo
laundry day meme

I know I am not alone on this! Who else can relate to this laundry day meme? My laundry day is the day when I hate nothing to wear but my wedding dress.

laundry day meme funny my laundry day is the day when I have nothing to wear but my wedding dress
laundry day meme funny

International Folding Laundry Day

Did you know that there is an international folding laundry day? Yes! On March 30th of every year, someone created the stupid holiday of international folding laundry day. This is a day I will not be celebrating nor participating in. In fact, as an act of boycott – I will not do wash ever again on March 30.

Dirty Laundry Humor

We don't do dirty humor online, but we do dirty laundry humor.

funny laundry graphic about throwing laundry away have you ever looked at the last few loads of dirty clothes and considered throwing them away

A little laundry humor never hurt. Throwing laundry away, maybe not that – but I will admit that instead of folding clean laundry – if it won't fit my kids for too much longer, it TOTALLY goes in the donation pile.

And sorry Good Will, I will give you clean clothes, but they will NOT BE FOLDED.

More Memes about Laundry

The chair of clothes. I mean, what else does the chair do? I mean, people will still sit in it – even with all of the clothes. Who doesn't have a laundry chair or maybe a laundry dresser? This laundry chair meme is for those of us who have that chair that holds the pile of semi-clean clothes.

laundry on chair meme - clothes that are too clean for the closet but not dirty enough to wash, live on the chair
laundry on chair meme

Laundry is never fun and games! What mom can't laugh at this giant laundry pile and relate.

laundry pile meme its all fun and games until the laundry has to be done
laundry pile meme

We would all be RICH if our bank accounts filled up as fast as our laundry baskets! If you love these yellow guys, check out our collection of Minion memes!

minion laundry meme - i wish my bank account filled up as fast as my laundry basket.
minion laundry meme

For those of us who don't check pockets before starting the wash… too shay.

austin powers laundry graphic i noticed you didn't check your pockets before doing laundry i like to live dangerously too

I love my husband, but laundry is not one of his skills either. This man doing laundry meme is exactly what would happen if he was tasked with folding a fitted sheet.

Laundromat meme - asked my husband to do laundry i'm not made to be folded

This feels 100% accurate. Need help organizing kids clothes? We got you: learn the best way to organize kids clothes.

laundry funny
funny laundry meme

This laundry dryer meme cracks me up. Celebrate when the dryer procrastinates. I admit I get a small rush of joy when I open the dryer to find the clothes still damp. it's like the dryer is procrastinating for me.

laundry dryer meme - i admit i get a small rush of joy when i open the dryer to find the clothes still damp. it's likethe dryer is procrastinating for me.
laundry dryer meme

Let's not even get started with talking about bleach.

laundry bleach meme
bleach meme

I question the sanity and truthfulness of anyone who says they enjoy laundry. I love doing laundry, said no one ever.

i love doing laundry meme - said no one ever
i love doing laundry meme

Missing Sock Memes

Can you do a load of wash without losing a sock? I don't think it's possible. Our missing sock collection lives in a laundry basket. Yes, it's that massive. It's quite sad like these funny missing sock memes.

missing sock meme You guys, maybe all of our missing socks are at Area 51?
funny missing sock meme

Did laundry without losing a sock – guess I haven't had a good day yet! Ice T and this missing sock meme,

did laundry without losing a sock – lost sock meme

When life will be all about laundry and bingo. Here is a laundry tip if you have kids and keep forgetting to change the clothes from the washing machine to the dryer: How to Remove Mildew Smell From Laundry

I Hate Laundry Meme

These I hate laundry memes are for those of us who can find literally ANYTHING better to do with our time then washing and folding clothes.

i hate laundry meme - me doing anything but washing and folding clothes because i hate laundry
i hate laundry meme

Just finished doing laundry, now I hate to fold clothes. This I hate laundry meme is just another reason I hate washing clothes! After you do the work to wash and dry the clothes, you still have to fold AND put away the clothing. This folding clothes meme is just another reason I hate laundry!

folding clothes meme - just finished doing laundry have to fold clothes
folding clothes meme

A Laundry Haiku

Yes, you guys. Instead of actually DOING my laundry – I wrote a Laundry Haiku. Yes, that is how much I hate laundry.

LAUNDRY HAIKU a haiku about laundry that laundry haters can appreciate

Just in case you are ever wondering what to do when procrastinating laundry – consider writing a haiku about laundry. I did, and let me tell you – it unfortunately didn't help my laundry situation.

Washing Machine Jokes

Want to hear a few washing machine jokes? Here are 5 washing machine jokes to go that spin well with our laundry memes.

laundry pile meme
pile of laundry meme
  • What's a washing machine's favorite state to live in? Washington.
  • What's a washing machine's favorite song? Twist and shout.
  • I hate putting my clothes in the washing machine…they always seem so agitated when I take them out.
  • What is a politicians favorite setting on a washing machine? The spin cycle.
  • Today I accidentally put my wallet in the washing machine. I suppose I am now a money launderer.

Funny Laundry Pictures

Since we all can agree that laundry sucks, I hope that these funny Laundry Pictures gave you a chuckle! Don't forget to share and pin this post!

husband doing laundry meme
man doing laundry meme

Here are a few other Laundry related posts that you might enjoy:

  • Read this if you are type-b mom (you are not alone!)

Sharing is Caring

Sharing is caring, feel free to share any of these funny laundry memes – we just ask that you link back to us! Find us on social below for more funny.

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Originally published in 2018, we rounded up more funny laundry humor for this revised 2022 post.

Funny Laundry Memes is part of the Digital Mom Blog series of funny memes


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