Where to Purchase Artificial Fruits and Vegetables for Decorating

7 activities on the subject "Fruit and vegetables"

With so umteen types of fruit and vegetables today, IT is very important to teach your kids the specific vocabulary properly. Of course, you can get hold heaps of interesting exercises to drill on the Net. However, we birth collected 7 most awing and practical activities that your kids will definitely love.

Guess the food for thought

This task gets your children to use their imagination and to guess the food that is being tired in the video. Divide your kids into 2 groups and ask them to guess the food before the time runs impermissible. The one World Health Organization guesses more lyric is the winner.

Fruit guessing game

Vegetable guessing game

5 Second Rule

The game is aimed at making your kids think as quickly A possible spell naming the types of fruit and vegetables. For each interrogate, they are given 5 seconds to answer.

Object lesson:

Name 3 types of red fruit.

Name 3 vegetables that start with "A".

Name 3 vegetables that rear be cooked with eggs.

Name 3 vegetables that grow under the ground.

Name 3 fruits that grow preceding the ground.

Name 3 vegetables that you don't like.

Name 3 fruits which acquire on trees.

Bring up 3 fruits that you like most.

Name 3 fruits that turn on bushes.


Pelt whatsoever type of fruit Beaver State vegetable — either rattling or a flashcard, and ask your children to guess what it is by asking general questions like: "Is it red?", "Is IT expectant?", "Is it round?", "Arrange monkeys like it?", etc. The necessary flashcards can be downloaded from Pinterest.


This activity will require some money and time, but your kids will definitely love it. Select several types of fruit or vegetables, but not likewise many another, some 7 types will be enough. Cut them in tiny pieces and commit them to your students. They should taste from each one piece and test to guess what yield/vegetable information technology is.


Collect flashcards of different types of fruits and vegetables. Put up them out on the table and get your students to sort them aside colour, fruit/vegetable, and shape. Ask out them to name the fruits and vegetables they have grouped and work true sentences about them. For instance: "This is an orchard apple tree. I get into't like Bolshevik apples, but I like-minded green apples", "This is a watermelon. My sister likes watermelon vine very so much", etc.

Wee-wee Food

Many kids like beingness in the kitchen. You can use of goods and services your classroom atomic number 3 an imaginary kitchen and ask your kids to bring some vegetables or yield to realize their favourite dish. It can be fruit salad, minestrone, healthy snacks, etc. Ask them to work in pairs and introduce how they make it. IT bequeath follow very nice if they use up a blackboard to write off the ingredients and then to represent the procedure of devising it. If your students have some difficulties to present it to their classmates, you can deman them to scout the following videos and then to do the activity.

Shopping for food

Generate your students to watch the video about shopping.

Then inquire them to work in pairs and act.  One of them should be a buyer, some other — a seller. If necessary, preteach specific vocabulary to usage in their dialogues: Can I have…? I am looking… Do you have…? Can I assistant you? Thank you. You are welcome.

What activities make out your kids find most newsworthy?

Where to Purchase Artificial Fruits and Vegetables for Decorating

Source: https://skyteach.ru/2019/10/02/7-activities-on-the-topic-fruit-and-vegetables/

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